My passion for ingredients and sharing community.
From a very young age I knew exactly what I wanted to do when I grew up. I was going to become a chef. I started my career humbly working at the muffin shop in Marblehead and from there, I knew I had to learn more. After graduating with an AA/BA from Johnson and Wales I threw myself into Bostons food scene. Working at places like Top of the Hub, B&G Oysters, Stir and No.9 fueled my love even more. After working at such wonderful restaurants, I knew that I wanted to be closer to the people that I cooked for. For 3 years now I have been a private chef, a job I feel so lucky to have found.
When life seemed to be calming down and I was getting settled I knew I needed to shake things up. This lead me to the world of TV, specifically Bravo’s Top Chef. After appearing on seasons 10 and 11 before 2015, recently I decided to triple down and be a contender on Top Chef All Stars 17.
My passion for ingredients, personal interactions, traveling have led me around the world and my desire to learn and see more is driving me to continue to seek every opportunity I can!